Michael Hargraves is recognized as an acclaimed Business Consultant, Author, Team Building Trainer and Success Coach. Mike's unique method of using SWAT tactics to achieve success is absolutely engaging and effective. What you walk away with, is an approach to business that will completely overwhelm the competition.
Mike, who is a father of two, has spent the last 15 years building, operating, and owning several successful businesses. Seeing the results of applying these tactics to his own businesses, he began consulting individuals and large companies alike increasing their productivity and profitability.
"We do this by identifying the strengths of individuals, link them in common purpose and give them the tools they need to surgically create prevailing results. The tactics we discuss are not theory, I know this because my life depended on them. Not my paycheck or my reputation, but my life and the lives of others." -Mike Hargraves
Mike was hand-selected by multiple SWAT Teams and Law Enforcement Agencies to develop their skills, enhance teamwork and synergy to achieve extraordinary results.
Mike has delivered keynote speeches and strategy sessions to tens of thousands across the world including the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia and Canada.
When SWAT shows up, they win." Join the ranks of thousands who have learned to apply the tactics and strategies used by elite Tactical Teams to ensure success in whatever you do.
You will love his engaging, down-to-earth realistic approach. It doesn't matter what you do for a living, these strategies and tactics were designed to achieve victory. Whether it be your business, life, or goals, you can BE SWAT at whatever you do.